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Consul Bragagni participated in a round table on the Value of Charity

On the 8th of June 2023, Consul Prof Maurizio Bragagni OBE participated in a round table on the Value of Charity, organised under the auspices of the UK PM the Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP, at 10 Downing Street. The event emphasised the crucial role that the charity sector plays in the UK and underscored its unique position in the UK government. It was an acknowledgement of the fact that effective solutions to societal challenges require collaboration between the public sector, private sector, and charities.

The roundtable was kindly facilitated by Mr Myles Stacey OBE who described the vital work he does as Special Advisor to the Prime Minister in supporting the charity sector. Mr Stacey also discussed the importance of charities in helping those more disadvantaged persons and how important it is to explore the value of charity through dialogue. The event abided by the Chatham House Rule, increasing the openness of discussion.

Consul Bragagni, in his other capacity as Founder & Chairman of Esharelife Foundation, thanked the UK Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP and his special advisor, Myles Stacey OBE, for this opportunity to engage in a frank exchange of views and ideas, as well as to foster collaboration between the public sector, private sector, and charities. He added that today’s meeting is evidence of the UK government’s support of the charity sector and underscored the importance of creating an enabling environment for charities to thrive. 

During the discussions among several distinguished participants, coming from broad and diverse backgrounds, there were elaborated ways on how charities and government can better engage and work together, which included local examples from the fieldwork in assisting people in coping with the rising costs of living, as well as was explored the topic of education as a powerful tool in breaking the cycle of poverty across generations. 

Also, in focus were topics such as exploring the place of domestic and international aid in society, the use of modern technology and Artificial Intelligence for the greater good, the importance of updating the curricula at schools, and what were expectations for individuals, charities, the private sector and others involved in charitable work.

The roundtable proved to be a great success by gathering a wide range of representatives from different sectors such as charities, the public sector, academia, etc. It provided a conducive atmosphere for engaging in significant discussions with UK government officials and other charities.
